Claus Cornett
Vestervang 34B, 1tv
2500 Valby

Born: October 1958
June 1977 Graduated from Highschool, Mathematics/Physics, Østre Borgerdydskolen.
September 1977 Enrolled at the University of Copenhagen, Chemistry 
February 1980 Grant for living at Collegium Domus Regium (Regensen), Copenhagen
February 1984 Masters examination in NMR spectroscopy passed
January 1985 Extra examination in Fourier Transform Infrared Spektroscopy passed
August 1985 Masters Degree in Chemistry, thesis in NMR spectroscopy
January1986 Ph. D. student at Department of Chemistry BC (now Department of Medicinalkemi), The Royal Danish School of Pharmacy, grant form the Danish Medical Research Council
February 1988 Employed as Assistant Professor under the Researcher recruitment plan at the Department of Organic Chemistry, The Royal Danish School of Pharmacy.
September 1989 Troubleshooting course(NMR spektrometers, AM og AC) at Spectrospin AG,Fällenden, Switzerland
October 1989 Network administrator, The Royal Danish School of Pharmacy
March 1990 Troubleshooting course (Aspect 3000) at Bruker Gmbh, Karlsruhe, Germany.
November 1991 Ph.D. thesis finished
April 1992 Ph.D. lecture
May 1992 Associate Professor at Department of Organic CHemistry (now Department of Medicinal Chemistry), The Royal Danish School of Pharmacy.
February 1993 Transferred to Department of General Chemistry (now Department of Analytical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry), The Royal Danish School of Pharmacy
October 1993-1995 Treasurer for the Danish Society for Analytical Chemistry 
October 1995-1996 Chairman for the Danish Society for Analytical Chemistry 
February 1996-October 1999 Member of the board of the Department of Analytical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, The Royal Danish School of Pharmacy.
April 1996- Member of the teaching council at the Department of Analytical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, The Royal Danish School of Pharmacy.
September 1996- November 2000 Chairman of the IT-comission at the Royal Dabish School of Pharmacy
November 1996-Novwmber 1999 Secretary of the Danish Schemical society
Maj 1997- Editor at "Dansk Kemi" (Danish Chemistry)
May-October 1997 Acting IT-head and network responsible for the network at the Royal Danish School of Pharmacy.
October 1999-February 2002 Reserve for the board of the Department of Analytical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, The Royal Danish School of Pharmacy.
September 2002-
Research associate, internal grant, one year, extendable up to three years